Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I barely know what to say after the week we just experienced in New Jersey. In Northern Jersey, we were the lucky ones. The majority of us were without power until last night - 9 days. (and several parts of local towns are still out). Trees down everywhere. (The one above was estimated at 120 years old and that root/ground pictured is 12ft high. This tree belonged to my next door neighbor) Schools still not back in session. Gas is rationed and you may wait several hours for $20 - $40 worth or get to the front of the line and be told there is no gas left.

And now the next storm is upon us. Heavy, wet snow is coming down steadily and the wind is picking up. Power just went out again! Just as I replaced a few groceries and started to enjoy the warmth of my home. (I still have some power on my phone and iPad - at least for a little while)

But we are still the lucky ones. We didn't lose lives, homes, businesses, or pieces of our memories like so many in our area. Photos and trinkets that once seemed to mean everything. Now we know that what is important is that we have each other. We are a resilient bunch. Neighborhoods have come together. People have opened up their homes, their cupboards and their wallets.

Also, let's use this as a teachable moment for ourselves and our children. Let's be a little more patient, a little more thoughtful when planning our errands in order to conserve gas, a little more understanding and less judgmental of our government leaders and with the efforts of our first responders, and most of all be a little more thankful.

Please take a moment to thank a first responder, a utility worker, or aid volunteer today. Send your donations for the victims of Hurricane Sandy to the Red Cross.

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